«Kontaktuberria»: berrikuspenen arteko aldeak

Hona jauzi: nabigazioa, bilatu
(Tarteko berrikusketa bat beste erabiltzaile bat egina ez da erakusten)
1. lerroa: 1. lerroa:
QGWULXB7IT3SGKUWXF   www.google.com     Where are you located ? I want to come to you one of these days
Hi! Please tell me the number of your office, I will come to you tomorrow.  QGW7RXXB7T2KRG7WXF   www.yahoo.com

Hauxe da oraingo bertsioa, 10:25, 17 abendua 2022 data duena

Hi! Please tell me the number of your office, I will come to you tomorrow. QGW7RXXB7T2KRG7WXF www.yahoo.com